Friday, February 26, 2010

I'll Miss..

Tonight I'm packing. Well, sorta. Attempting would be the better word. But I can't help but keep thinking I will really only have a few more nights in my home. I can't believe I'm actually moving out. It's all surreal. When I moved to China for a semester, it didn't really affect me much since I knew I'd be coming back when I was done there. Now that this is more permanent, it's hard to express the feeling. I realize I'm a late bloomer for leaving home and that kids these days do it at 18 for college. But living at home has given me a relationship with my parents and siblings that many may not have. I went through those especially hard times figuring out myself with my parents and brothers and sister(s) by my side rather than solely relying on roommates.

I'll miss my parents. I can't even explain how much I will miss the friendship and the support I have from them. I will miss having them have my back 24/7. I'll miss laughing with them late at night or Sunday afternoons. I'll miss my mom's cooking. My dad's popcorn. I'll miss my mom's alzheimer moments in Church. I'll miss talking to her everyday and her hugs. I'll miss my late night runs with my dad. I'll miss them whipping me into gear to be a better person. I have truly been blessed with the most amazing people as parents. I love them more than anyone could understand and because of them, I have a testimony of eternal families.

I'll miss living so close to Eva and Kara. I'll miss coming home from work when Nana and Papa are babysitting and I hear a little voice scream, "Ah Sammi!" I'll miss their tight squeezes when I need them and the kisses on the cheek. I'll miss the easy opportunity to hang out with Chad and Kendra when we want to see a movie or chill at home.

I'll miss my sweet McKay. A few unfortunate circumstances led me to have the most fortunate opportunity to have that little boy in my life daily where he became closer to us than "nephew." I'll miss him wanting me to cuddle him before I tucked him in. I'll miss him eating with us and laughing. I'll miss watching him study a word search and tell me, "Three F's!" or hearing him learn with the educational cartoons, "B-B-B-Boy." I'll miss Mandy. I'll miss Doug.

I'll miss the "me-time" I get daily with the long commute. Believe it or not, I'll miss the construction! I'll miss not watching it change daily. I'll miss Bountiful and the fond memories I have there. I'll miss Nielsen's not being so close! I'll miss my home ward almost as much as I'll miss my parents!

I look forward to growing and becoming more independent. I look forward to finally learning how to cook other than soup and macaroni and cheese. I look forward to a quick commute! I look forward to "my own place" and having great friends there. I look forward to a new ward and new friends. I look forward to Sandy and making fabulous memories there!

There. I feel better. Now to packing........


Kendra said...

We will miss you too!

Carl said...

You know where the popcorn popper is...

Le Fabuleux destin d'Alex said...

Oh amiga is going to be good! at least you will be minutes away from home, I will be hours. But Is ALL GOOD!!!

LisaL said...

You sure have a way with words. It is tough to cut the apron strings but you will have a blast with all the "new". Good lucky Sammi!