Sunday, August 30, 2009

What $658.19 will buy you

It's no secret how I feel about my car. The Little Bugger (Bugger not Booger...) and I have been going on for almost 3 years now and it never stops giving me grief. It's a hate relationship, really. In fact, I like to compare my situation of my car with a series of bad blind dates. You know, they make for good stories. Laughs. A topic that never looses its humor. The Little Bugger has really shown it's true colors - black. I've lost two front lights (like the socket and all on the freeway..), transmission, oil leaks, axle rods and a bunch of other blah blah blahs I don't understand. This week was no different.

I knew my registration was coming up the end of October, and knowing my history with the Little Bugger, I decided to get a jump start on things so I'm not procrastinating and spending every last penny I have this fall. I took it up to good ole' Cutrubus (still FANTASTIC) fully aware of work to be done on it. I dropped it off Thursday night and I knew it was bad when I was the first call they made the next morning. My mechanic said, "{Long Sigh}...It's pretty bad Samantha, I'm not going to lie." Crap. He proceeded to explain what was wrong in a language harder to learn than Mandarin Chinese and I just put my trust in him that he'd fix whatever the heck was wrong. Then he said something clear in every language, "That'll come to approximately $1346.00." WHAT?! Are you...are you KIDDING me? Little Bugger had done it again. For the sake of my wallet (not...haha, purse), I worked out a plan to where I fix half the problems now and I'd take it back in next month for the rest. This time I settled on fixing my oil gasket engine leak (whatever) and my left front signal light (Hallelujah!).

Saturday morning I went with my mom to pick up my car. I went in, paid for the work done, a whopping $658.19 and met my loyal and handy mechanic, Troy. He was gracious, sympathetic and helpful as he handed over the key to my car. I walked outside, opened the door, stuck the key in and ignited the engine.....I waited. I listened. No grinding, no airplane engine fact...Is it purring??? It was PURRING. Words cannot describe this feeling. It was like meeting 'The One' after the bad blind dates. I was not embarressed to start my car, I was not embarrassed to accelerate the airplane noises. I about shut my engine off, marched right back into the shop and kissed that Troy man. I was SO impressed with how my car ran on the way back to Bountiful. I kept thinking, "Is this how it feels when people love their car?!"

I know I have much more extensive work to be done, and I've had my thousands of dollars of work done, but whatever this particular problem was, was it. I have a new found respect for my little car...

{Please pray I didn't just jinx myself with this positive car post..}


KayCee Burnside said...

Yeah, you have had bad luck with the thing, but maybe it was so you could appreciate it when it actually runs how it's supposed to...right?

Sam Wright said...

Haha yeah except I started this morning and my car sounded like an airplane again... :( But it still ran like a champ!

Kim & Dave said...

Ugh! Way more than I would care to spend. I'm glad your car's working though - even as painful as it was. I finally got my car back and I love it! (Did you see Dave didn't show up in the Jeep today?) Good luck w/ the rest of it. P.S. Ask Dave his general opinon of cars sometime. :0)

Nancy Wright said...

Funny post Sam. What was the best part for me was that I didn't know it was your car I pulled up next to when I dropped you off to pay for it because they had washed it.