Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nielsen's Crew Reunion

About two weeks ago I receive this Facebook Event invite things I always get. Usually I click "Maybe" to make people happy but never go, but this one captured my attention immediately. It is for a "Nielsen's Crew Reunion." Now, I absolutely loved my time at Nielsen's, I really did. It was the best job I could have had in high school and I made so many friends there, but I immediately wanted to take my cursor thing and click "NO!" for once. I have nothing against seeing my old friends, but I am not one to enjoy any type of reunion. I guess I figure once that lifetime has come and gone, I don't want to re-live any of it. I was interested in seeing a select few of those old co-workers, but still wasn't fully into it yet, so I clicked the infamous "Maybe" button.

Well February 7th rolls around and I am feeling guilty for not giving a solid RSVP (I did get a few threatening emails too..) and I even tried to avoid having to go by seeing a double movie with Mariah that day. We went to three different theaters to see if a movie would cover the time I'd have to go but none did! A movie theater! Anyways, so I dropped Mariah off and text my friend Krista (one of the few I wanted to see) and I'm not kidding, TWO minutes later she and her husband are in my drive-way to pick me up. I had told them I didn't want to go, but I had no choice now. I was heading to Nielsen's!

We get there and I was surprised at who showed up! Everyone that could come, did (Mal! I missed you there!!!!!) and it was nice seeing everyone from SEVEN years ago when I first started working there. I was still distant and out of my comfort zone as I am a completely different person (as we all are), but still made it a point to have a good time. We ate at Nielsen's and visited for a couple of hours while people came and went. Finally at about nine, the ten of us or so left, decided to go back to Krista and Brooklyn's house for a movie. I won't expand, but those of you who know me well, know that I have "history" with a few of them and I wanted to act casual and confident...I'd made it pretty gracefully throughout the night until we had to go downstairs for the movie. I felt proud of myself for holding myself together as the more mature, refined woman I am. I am not kidding, I take ONE step down and biff it. Six steps later and my vision returning I realize I had been in the front of everyone when I fell down the stairs. After an awkward short silence, Tad pipes in simply stating, "Sammi, you haven't changed a bit." The ice was officially and finally broken.

The rest of the night went fine. The boys still instisted on sitting "boy girl boy girl" on the couch so we stuffed seven people on the couch to watch Wall E and I spent the rest of my evening smashed between Tad and Zach eating the infamous Dots and Junior Mints.

In hind sight, I'm really glad I went to catch up. I saw a few people there I only worked with for one year when I was fifteen so it was really good to see them. We all seem to be the same friends we've always been and it sorta felt like we all picked up from where we left off.

NFC&D scoopies forever I guess!


Anonymous said...

That sounds fund! I miss the custard and grinders. Every time I come out I try and go there, because Dustin loves the grinders too! I wish I hadn't quit as early as I did. I loved that job too!

Le Fabuleux destin d'Alex said...

LOL Sammy truly you havent changed a bit!!! LOL You and the stairs have something going on! but I least I would have given anything to have the stair and not what I have been having! LOL I love you so much!!!